My life in pictures, stories and open letters.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Happy Birthday Canada!

Monday, June 29, 2009
Tuesday's Tribute
And you gotta love that!
Asia landed a great teacher in kindergarten. Mrs. S. was amazing. She retired the year after Asia so Cassie wasn't so fortunate. But Mrs. S. was grandmotherly. She hugged them. She was gentle and loving. And fun.

Sunday, June 28, 2009
Event Number One - Cassie

Thursday, June 25, 2009
Friday Foto Fiesta
We had a very busy day, with all three of our kids having three separate celebrations for school. We started with a grade six celebration in the morning. A Kindergarten BBQ later on, and the Asia's grade nine grad. Wowza! Those pictures will be coming out next week.
Today I wanted to share my memories of Michael Jackson.
Michael was the reason I stopped listening to our local country radio station and changed over to the pop station.
I had "The Making of the Thriller Video" on VHS. I watched it a lot. It would probably be worth something one of these days, however my brother taped over it with some other music videos. And yes. He was in HUGE trouble for that! I threatened his Duran Duran video for a long time, and would have taped over it, but for my insane love of Nick Rhoades.
To me, Michael Jackson will always be that cute young thing in Thriller. When they announced today that he was 51, I darned near fell out of my van. You mean he's NOT 25 anymore?? WTF?

So I leave you today with the only MJ video I could scoop off of youtube.
Check out Candid Carrie for more!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
My Wish List
The Prompts:
1.) Interview a child.
(inspired by Quilao Triplets)
2.) How do you stave off boredom?
(inspired by Jenn's Pen)
3.) Write a poem for the little boy in your life.
(inspired by Life With Kaishon)
4.) Describe a memorable interview or talk about your experience trying to find a job amidst this recession.
(inspired by Lacey)
5.) Create a Help Wanted Ad.
(inspired by Jenners)
Position Available Immediately
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Almost There!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
My Last Post and Testament

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

**It turns out that it is a tear and I am now in a walking boot/air cast for about six weeks followed by hugely expensive orthotics and maybe even radiation shock therapy of some kind. And in my defence, I really didn't play hard last night, it was just a reach that did it.
Monday, June 08, 2009
And all he's left with is a blubbery, blubbering wife.
Typical Monday
This is one of those days.
Technically you could just say that I’m having a typical Monday.
I’m worried over Asia’s recent choices.
I’m frustrated with my youngest child’s inability to learn the alphabet, be nice to others and listen to her teacher.
I’m disappointed in myself for not being nicer to my happy middle child, because I’m just so busy beating my head against the wall over the other two. (Better to beat my own head against the wall than theirs, I suppose.)
I’m suffering anxiety over the traditional money woes that everyone seems to be suffering lately.
I’m pissed off that I’ve gained some weight, and can’t find the determination I need to get back on track.
I’m just amazed at the stupidity of the person who thought to make a 2”x4” photo book and then charge unsuspecting people $$ for it. Can you even SEE something that small?
I'm curious what you've all been up to since I was last free to blog to my heart's content.
I’m itching to tell you some stories of the trailer park trash we have become, but with it being a Typical Monday, there is just no sense in doing it today, because my computer would crash and I’d lose everything without first saving it.
I’ll tell you stories of horny rabbits later this week. If I tried today, I’d probably get caught and then fired.
I’ll tell you about the boyfriend we will have the misfortune of meeting at Grad in a few weeks. Sigh…. But today, I just don’t have the stomach for it.
Thank goodness this is my blog and I can be crabby if I want to. Just for today though. Tomorrow I’ll be back to my totally delightful self.
Thursday, June 04, 2009
The wife of one of our fire fighters - Kym
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Thursday's Writer's Workshop - Language Warning
1.) If you could cut back on something in your life that takes up your time what would it be? And what would you prefer to spend that time doing?
(inspired by Lady Isra)
2.) Share a recent adventure you had with a friend.
(inspired by Amy)
3.) Describe a memorable gift. Why was it important to you?
(Inspired by Kit Kat)
4.) If you could change career paths now and be anything you wanted to be...what would you be and why?
(inspired by Lauren)
5.) Kim's email:
In the St. Louis News-Dispatch paper, they had an article of a man who wrote his own obituary before his death, and gave it to his sister to post when he died. He summed life up in 45 words:
I know it's a morbid subject, but what about a prompt about what would one's obit say, with a word limit. You could stipulate that everyone died at 100, so we'd all be predicting what our future would be like.
So there you have it. Sum up life in 45 words. :) Happy happy.
(Inspired by Kim)
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Wordful Wednesday!

And this one.

Aren't they cute?
Head back over to Angie to visit some other participants!
Monday, June 01, 2009
Tuesday's Tribute

Another side note:
Little kids have such a way about them. How many others out there have had this happen:
Olivia: Mom?
Me: Yes Olivia.
Olivia: I want to give you something.
Me (Keep in mind that it is past bedtime and mommy has quit being mommy for the night): What Olivia! You are supposed to be in bed.
Olivia (Taking my hands off the keyboard, turning my chair, flinging herself into my arms.): A hug! Mommy, I'm not tired.
Me (Keeping in mind that it is now almost summer and it's practically daylight outside even though it is now 9:00.): Get your butt to bed. Close you're eyes and sleep will come.
Olivia: But mommy, do I have a rip in my head?
Me (Looking over to see her pulling at the part in her hair where her piggy tails were all day): Um. No. Olivia, there is no rip in your head.
Olivia: Are you sure? I feel a rip in my head. I just ripped it and I feel a rip in my head.
Me (trying not to laugh): Go to bed.
She's just lucky she's so cute.
Tuesday's Tributes are brought to you today by Angie at 7 Clown Circus. Oh, and the letters F'N'A.