My life in pictures, stories and open letters.

My life in pictures, stories and open letters.

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Monday, June 01, 2009

Tuesday's Tribute


Yes. You heard that right.

And I'm not talking feet that have to be beautiful.


Nor feet that are particularly ugly.

This is more about feet that can do this.

And especially this.

(Side note: In my family, Leon would be the yellow shirt guy and I would be the red shirt guy on the right. Yes. The one looking looking like he's going to go all Kung-Fu-Panda on yellow-shirt's ass. I know deep down you all thought I was the compassionate one on the left who was trying to figure out how to catch yellow shirt dude without actually having to touch him.)

But me? I tried to go for a very short, very casual, very sllllooowwwww walk today after work. And now? I can barely move.

This sucks.

Another side note:

Little kids have such a way about them. How many others out there have had this happen:

Olivia: Mom?
Me: Yes Olivia.
Olivia: I want to give you something.
Me (Keep in mind that it is past bedtime and mommy has quit being mommy for the night): What Olivia! You are supposed to be in bed.
Olivia (Taking my hands off the keyboard, turning my chair, flinging herself into my arms.): A hug! Mommy, I'm not tired.
Me (Keeping in mind that it is now almost summer and it's practically daylight outside even though it is now 9:00.): Get your butt to bed. Close you're eyes and sleep will come.
Olivia: But mommy, do I have a rip in my head?
Me (Looking over to see her pulling at the part in her hair where her piggy tails were all day): Um. No. Olivia, there is no rip in your head.
Olivia: Are you sure? I feel a rip in my head. I just ripped it and I feel a rip in my head.
Me (trying not to laugh): Go to bed.

She's just lucky she's so cute.

Tuesday's Tributes are brought to you today by Angie at 7 Clown Circus. Oh, and the letters F'N'A.


Claremont First Ward said...

Ha ha ha about the soccer picture and you and Leon. I'm the same way. :)

We haven't had any ripped heads, but we have had a million other excuses to stay try to get out of going to sleep. :)

Claremont First Ward said...

Ha ha ha about the soccer picture and you and Leon. I'm the same way. :)

We haven't had any ripped heads, but we have had a million other excuses to stay try to get out of going to sleep. :)

wy-not said...

Oh Lord, this one had me laughing right out loud! The soccer picture just slayed me. And of course, Livvie and her continuing efforts to write the best-seller, 1001 Reasons Not To Go To Bed, Even Though I Know Mommy Is Tired And It's Really Best For My Own Health If I Just Give In And Go To Sleep. Too funny, that girl.

wy-not said...

Oh, and give your feet a break. They will heal. Eventually. With expensive orthotics. And rest.

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

Gah, a little warning for the nasty feet pics PLEASE! lol