My life in pictures, stories and open letters.

My life in pictures, stories and open letters.

Please be advised that you are entering my blog.
My blog.
The opinions herein are mine.
I am free to rant and vent to my heart's content.
If you find yourself mentioned here, then you've made quite an impression on me.
Feel free to read on if you would like to know if that impression is good, bad or ugly.
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Regardless of the option you choose, I hope you have a fabulous day!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Thank God It's Monday!

I spent the weekend from Friday after work until Sunday night doing cheer stuff.

On Friday I was a judge runner for two hours. That involved running up and down the bleachers, over to the safety table, then downstairs with score sheets approximately 40 times. I discovered that my knee is crap and desperately needed an Advil.

I was back at competition by 8:30 on Saturday morning where I was judge runner again until 2:30.

That's a lot of stairs, people.

Thankfully I brought Advil and took it regularly so my knee didn't bother me a bit!

However, I discovered two more things on this fine day.

I forgot to put on deodorant Saturday morning. I always have some in my van, so after the first session was over, I ran straight out to get it!! It was cool out, so as I was walking outside, I put my arms up, pretending to play with my hair of course, so that I could air out a bit.

Next i discovered that all the people in the stands would probably have preferred it if I had worn my sports bra.

'Nuff said.

Once 3:30 hit, I got to be a spectator until 9:00.

Now today, I slept in, picked up dog crap, went grocery shopping, did a load or two of laundry then chaired a bingo.

Gimme an "H"!
Gimme an "O"!
Okay, what the hell .... Gimme another "O"!
Gimme an "R"!
Gimme an "A"!
Gimme a "Y"!
What does that spell?

For the first time EVER I am saying that I am happy to see Monday come! Now I get to slow down a little bit.

Yay me!


Kim Lehnhoff said...

Thank God my son has no social life...not really, I wish he had one, too - so I could be worn out come Sunday night, and wish I had worn deodorant Saturday morning.

Enjoy the slower pace this week!

Bill Lisleman said...

you caught an interesting expression in that picture just above the word "It's". good catch.
I enjoyed that story. You should add Advil to your stash of deodorant.

FoxyMoron said...

Yay! That's my cheer. I think I need an Advil.

wy-not said...

All that, and I hear they won first place again. Vic cheer squads ROCK! It sounds like a great weekend, but I'm relieved for you that it's now history! Are you wearing deodorant today? Just wondering...

Betty W said...

Oh I know the feeling! Monday´s can be so welcome sometimes!

Claremont First Ward said...

I would have been happy to see Monday come around too. That's ONE busy weekend. Great photos!

Anonymous said...

Go Asia! Go momma! Love ya, Kristina