My life in pictures, stories and open letters.

My life in pictures, stories and open letters.

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Tuesday, February 02, 2010


I have a dream.

And in that dream I am a healthy size 8.

Okay, 10.

Fine. 12 then.

I joined The Biggest Loser - Friend's Edition in January.

The incentive is supposed to be the $500++ dollars I can win if I succeed.

The truth is, though, my ass hanging off the sides of my spin class bike are just revolting enough to keep me going.

And that same ass, that seriously slams down via gravity a split second after my feet hit the treads, which has caused me to lose my rhythm more than once, is also helping. Because it doesn't jar me like it used to. Oh what a feeling!

The very, very round face, with second chin? Yup. That's working it too. (Although that face won't stop eating the good stuff, albeit in smaller portions with much more good-for-me food thrown in! Yay me!)

I've only lost about 7 pounds. Which is great I suppose.

But this contest works by percentage, and let me tell you, that 7 pounds doesn't count for much there.

I think I am losing some inches though. Thank God.

I had to keep pulling my pants up the other day. It. Felt. Great!

The Plan:

I am currently running (other people would consider it a moderate walk, but me? Full out run, people!) three times per week, following The Running Room's 5K plan. Right now I am at run 10 minutes, walk one minute, twice, then run another three minutes. The goal is to work my way up to three 10 and 1's. And then head outside when it's warm where it's going to be even harder without the momentum of the treadmill, and the thought of the humiliation of falling off, to keep me going.

I take spin classes three times per week. I LOVE spin classes. Love them. Once upon a time, in my way-back-when fit days, I considered instructing spin classes, and may still take it on at some point when my lungs can take it.

I am playing soccer twice weekly. But there are only a few weeks left of this.

I am training, if you can call it that, to participate in a dualthon in April.

Run 2.5K, bike 10K, run 2.5K.

Then die.

But bury me in a tank top and short shorts, because I WILL LOOK GOOD AGAIN!

I will Damnit!!

Amen to that!


Kim Lehnhoff said...

Other than ass gravity, what motivates you?

I'm just so damned lazy...I'm sick of myself.

And my hip hurts...and it would hurt less if I weighed less...but it hurts, so I don't exercise. And so on, and so on, and so on...

Sheila said...

LOL! I love this post! I know how you feel and i LOVE your plan!!! I've never taken spinning classes - but what I've seen on the biggest loser...they look like fun and soemthing I would enjoy.

Soliloquy said...

I love this post too! LOVE how real you are about your goal and what you're doing to make it a reality.

Go girl!

wy-not said...

Wow! I had no idea. You go girl. You can do this, and I know you're going to feel like a brand new woman when you reach that goal - but just so's you know? Your mama loves you any old way!

KK said...

You can do it!!

Betty W said...

Wow!! You should be proud of yourself! That´s so much exercise you get in and I´m sure it will show sooner or later!!

Controlling My Chaos said...

I keep hearing how great spinning is. I'm going to give it a try. Here comes the ass hangage.