My life in pictures, stories and open letters.

My life in pictures, stories and open letters.

Please be advised that you are entering my blog.
My blog.
The opinions herein are mine.
I am free to rant and vent to my heart's content.
If you find yourself mentioned here, then you've made quite an impression on me.
Feel free to read on if you would like to know if that impression is good, bad or ugly.
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Regardless of the option you choose, I hope you have a fabulous day!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

And A New Chapter Begins.

It happened this weekend.  

Like we knew it eventually would.

And I'm very sad.  

Just like you all knew I would be.

Asia and "The Boy" broke up.  

We knew there would be at least one broken heart involved. 

Not including mine.  Sigh....

Now, as Devyn says, he's not perfect, either.

But he adored my daughter.

And that brings him up a notch or two in my eyes.


Bradie Sparrow said...

Awwwww! So.... who did the heart breaking?

Betty said...

I hope Asia is ok. How you feel, I know too well! Thinking of you!

Alex the Girl said...

Ah, I know how you're feeling. It was the hardest thing to deal with when my oldest broke up with her first bfriend. They had been together for nearly two years.

Lilly said...

Oh yes, I know how you feel. Hope Asia is ok.

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

Sorry to hear it. xoxo

Ronda's Rants said...

I so remember those days...and they were long days...
My only advice ...stay out of it...listen and love both...because someday she might marry that daughter did!
Sending love...