The first time I kissed a boy:
It was during a game of truth/dare/double dare. I had a total crush on the boy I was dared to go and kiss. Bobby had just said to go down the hall to the last room on the right, so off we went. (I was FREAKING OUT! I mean, really, there is only so much your pillow can tell you about what you are doing right or wrong!!) We got to the end of the hall and looked to the right. Hmmm. It was an office. Looked to the left. A bedroom. We looked at each other. Shrugged our shoulders. Then he went left and I went right. NO WAY was I going into the bedroom with someone as worldly as he was! So he turned and followed me into the office, laid a smacker on me and then I bailed! If Bobby was surprised to see us back out so quickly (Tammy & Tad were STILL in their room!) he totally didn't hide it! lol I think he even commented about it. It's a good thing it was only one kiss, because it would have been really embarrassing to shave off his WHOLE mustache! Come to think of it, he was 17. It was a pretty pathetic mustache anyway. Anyway, my friend asked him the next time we saw them at the teeny-bopper dance club how it was with me, he said "Good, but she shaved off half my mustache!" Yup. I. Wanted. To. Die.
The first time I got my heart broken:
This, actually, is a number of posts that I could do in a series that would take us through the next couple of weeks. However, this young man's mother has access to my blog through a co-worker, and while I don't know whether or not she reads it, I don't care to disrespect her that way. This one you'll have to leave to your imagination. But you'll need a pretty active imagination.
- My bridesmaid and Leon's best man were a husband/wife team. Needless to say, they were both going to end up at our reception with no vehicle to get home in. I offered to let them take ours home and just bring it back the next day for the gift opening that was happening right at the hotel anyway. She had stated that they would just drive our truck to my parent's, where her car was, take her vehicle home and then bring both back the next day, and I let her know to feel free just to take our vehicle straight home if she wanted to do that. No big deal.
- No big deal, that is, until we went up to our room and discovered that we had both neglected to get our overnight bag out of the truck. We stood there in the doorway of our hotel, looking a little dumbstruck. And then decided to borrow my parent's vehicle and rush to their house, where we were hoping our friends had decided to drop our vehicle and take their own for the rest of the journey home.
- No such luck. We went into mom and dad's house and I grabbed the clothes I had been wearing that morning to the salon, and I grabbed a sweater of my dad's for Leon for the next morning. Our wedding night wasn't quite what Leon had hoped for.
- When people showed up at our gift opening, there was Leon is his Tuxedo pants and my Dad's sweater, and I was just in my jeans and button up shirt. When Diniz and Lynne got there we hurried up and changed into our other clothes and finished up the day.
See? Not as exciting as I made it sound. Some things should just remain unsaid. lol
Your wedding sounds like mine. Getting married is just a bunch of hard work. Thanks for sharing your funny tales.
I agree some thing should remain unsaid but that was still good reading. Weddings - there are always so many stories hey?
Yup. No doubt about it (or for your American blogging friends, should I say no doot aboot it?), your life is an adventure. I never knew about that mustache-shaving incident. Who was that? Or should I promise never to ask?
Thanks for wishing me good luck at my shoot, it was great!!! Your blog is too funny so I'm definitely going to be back :)
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