My life in pictures, stories and open letters.

My life in pictures, stories and open letters.

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If you find yourself mentioned here, then you've made quite an impression on me.
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Regardless of the option you choose, I hope you have a fabulous day!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Spiders and Nudity.

If I had any sense at all I would have taken a picture of this, but the picture I put in your head is going to have to do.  And friends .... It ain't gonna be pretty.

We have this delightful african themed shower curtain in our downstairs bathroom.  I mean, it is GREAT! There is no nakedness showing through.  It's dark, so it hides the grime and grunge that is a daily shower for five people.  (Unfortunately it also hides the grunge and grime from these tired eyes, so rarely gets cleaned! Ugh!)  

Anyway, this shower curtain is black and brown. It is perfect. 

Only one problem with it. The spiders also love it.  They can hide their ugly little bodies in the folds of that black and brown shower curtain. I have taken to showering in my crocqs so that if I see one, I can hopefully (and in my fantasy world - oh, wait. In my fantasy world there ARE no spiders!) spray him with water, he falls to the bottom of the shower in that ugly little ball they curl up in and then I squish him like a bug!!!!

Only it never actually happens that way.

It's been a little while since a spider had come to call. By that I mean maybe a week! They love my shower curtain THAT much! So, of course, this fine morning, I decided to leave the crocqs off and actually shock my feet with a bar of soap.  (Sorry, I totally should have warned you, this is not a story for the weak!)  

And of course, this fine morning, I have a visitor.

I was just about to put my head back and wash out my shampoo when I saw it.  He was crawling up the curtain. 

I gasped so fast and so furiously that I'm surprised I didn't suck that little bugger in like a vacuum cleaner!!

And then I ran.

In all my glory.

And I stood there looking at the shower curtain.

I didn't know what the heck to do.  In order to get this thing, I have to get back into the shower with it. 

So I grabbed a cup, and put a towel on my shampooed hair.  I slipped into my crocqs (after first checking to make sure he hadn't brought a friend) and snuck back in.  Like, I'm talking tippy-toed in.

Like he's gonna care, right?

Do spiders even have any friggin' ears?

So I'm back in the shower with this thing, my crocqs, a cup of water, my towel on my head and all my naked glory and I threw the cup of water at him.

And then I ran.

And I stood across the enemy line, just looking at the curtain again.

Crap.  I don't see him back-stroking down the drain.

Fill up the cup, and back in I go. On tippy-toe.

I can't find him!! I took each fold VERY carefully between two fingers and slowly peaked in. When I knew he wasn't there, I would open it up and go to the next fold. 

When I had it almost all the way closed and I know that he's got to be in the next fold, out my peripheral vision I saw him.  RIGHT FRIGGING IN FRONT OF MY FACE!

How the heck did he DO that??? I ran like my arse was on fire folks!

Then I debated waking up my husband. He'd kill me, but it would be a much better death than the one I was surely facing.  My heart just couldn't take much more of this.

So now I have no choice.  I take out the big guns.  Lysol air freshener.  I used this once when my BAM bathroom cleaner was all used up, and it works!!

By this time he's running for his life.  He's up on top of the curtain and he'd hide again on the back and then he'd run up again.  

Some of you might actually feel sorry for this thing.  This evil creature.  God's one and only mistake.  But not me.

I sprayed that whole darned shower curtain.  From the outside.  I aimed it above and down so that I soaked that backside of it.  I sprayed until I was certain that any and all talk of global warming would be COMPLETELY my fault!

And I watched for his ugly self to fall to the bottom of the shower.  He never did.

By now, this ordeal has taken 20 minutes, I'm late leaving for work. I'm late waking my family. I'm still naked and I still have shampoo in my hair.

So I reached up very carefully.  And I hauled that shower curtain down ring by ring. And then I dragged it out of my bathroom and threw it on the floor of my livingroom.

And then I saw it.  The carcass.  It stuck to the inside of the shower curtain. (Did I mention that I haven't cleaned that shower in a little while?)  He was pretty dead.  But I stomped him and smeared him anyway.  Just to make me feel better.

And then I piled up the towels on the floor beside the shower, pushed myself and the spray as far as I could against the back wall, and showered without a curtain.

I woke my hubby up and told him to please look after the shower curtain that is laying on the rug. Wash it and put it in a bag. I never want to see it again. When he asked why keep it, I said it's a perfectly good shower curtain, thank you very much, and the girls can take it when they move out. (Remember, my girls are 14, 11 and 4?)

And today, folks, I went out to the store and bought a transparent shower curtain.  Yes, I know that means I have to clean the shower regularly.  Yes, I know that means that people will certainly get a fright if they barge in on me whilst I shower.

But I WILL see the next spider that is stupid enough to cross my path. And I WILL prevail!

And it was THIS BIG! And this is what I looked like, minus the clothes. (It was awkward.)


wy-not said...

GAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!! NOOOOOOH! Okay, here's the thing. The story is hilARRious! No doubt. Definitely my morning's belly laugh. But, if that had happened to me, I would be building a new shower UPSTAIRS where the spidey problem is less. I feel faint just thinking about that whole experience. Faint. Faint, I tell you.

Ronda's Rants said...

I have a very special spider Hubby knows it and exactly what it means...that he must run to save me as fast as he can!!!He has heard if from across Costco and while others just stared at me...My Hubby in shining armor beat the living daylights out of the spider in the produce section. In exchange he may have sex whenever he is a good deal!
You are too funny...I suggest my deal with my Hubby...only your Hubby y'know!! :)

Abby said...

AHHH Oh my I am not a fan of any 8 legged friends YUCKOOO. It is truly one of the things I miss about living in Alaska up there it is too cold for all the creepy crawlies! They don't even have snakes!

By the way thanks for stopping by our blog at Steals and Deals!

Amy said...

I just shivered watching that video...yuck! I am not so afraid of spiders (if they are not TOO TOO big)as I am of cockroaches.I'd have done the same darn thing.

Betty said...

hahaha, you are hilarious. Ok, so donĀ“t come to Paraguay! There are many spiders here and at times we even let in little lizards to they can eat them.... :) Then we let in the cat so she can catch the lizard! hahah JK!

Candid Carrie said...

I pictured the entire thing and you looked really good wearin' nothing but a towel and shoes!

The only thing I like about spiders is that popping noise they make when their body explodes when you squish 'em.

Sorry about this random thought, but I'll bet there were two of them. A mating pair, too. The one you saw on the bottom AND the one that scared you at eye level. And I'll bet the woman spider's name was Charlotte and before you offed her with Lysol she spewed out her offspring.

Alright, not really but that would be funny for us people that don't live in your house!

amelia bedelia said...

It was so nice of the United States Army to come and kill that spider for you.

amelia bedelia said...

It was so nice of the United States Army to come and kill that spider for you.

Jyl @ MommyGossip said...

Scary spider pics. The funny thing is that I am not afraid of insects. Everyone in my family is, but not me. Nope, I am just afraid of cats and dogs. I am not even lying--like DEATHLY AFRAID. Is that weird or what?

Momma said...

O.k, I am laughing and shuddering at the same time. I HAAAAAAAATE spiders too and my naked booty would have been waking my husband up, you are a braver woman than I am!

Tracy said...

You are so funny.. I was laughing the entire time I was reading-not at you but with you:) Love the picture of the camel spider-not really, but at least I knew what it was-my hubby said they really are that big in Iraq-EWWWWWW!(he is actually more scared of spiders than me) I usually don't mind spiders unless they are bigger than a quarter-then they are like monsters to me! I once had my neighbor come an kill a huge wolf spider in my garage for me-she was so brave! I am glad you are ok-with so much excitement first thing in the morning!

Ronda's Rants said...

Rhonda...I got my book! Thank you so very looks great and after I finish the two I am reading right now...I will start the Shack!!! Thank you very was such a nice treat for my day!!! Okay...I am off to pack!!

Frizzy said...

Oh my goodness that last video is freakin funny! I had to watch it twice to figure out it's a dog in costume. EEEEK! Thanks for the short story about how your morning began. I think we've all had a moment similar though I don't ever recall being naked. Talk about feeling vulnerable!

Susie said...

Yuck!! I can't stand spiders!! They are the worst!!! If that happened to me, I would still be shaking in the fetal position in the corner.

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

I don't mind spiders in general, but if they come in my house....they're gonna die.
And they are crafty little buggers, for sure!

Krazy Armstrong K's! said...

OMG! Im totally laughing! Thanks for sharing your misery! lol

tiarastantrums said...

funny stuff girl!

Unknown said...

Too funny! Your adventure sounds exactly what I would do. I once had a large spider like that- I killed it with a book and left it in the middle of the floor until I had someone to get it up for me!

Casey's trio said...

Came over from Angie's wordful wednesday...okay, that picture of the freakin' desert spider is seriously disturbing. I would have a heart attack if I ever saw one of those in real life.

Anonymous said...

Oh poor thing!
Quite the funny picture you left all of us...thanks for that!

Oh...and Shower's the best invention EVER! I buy a spray bottle of this stuff once every 2-3months and I only have to wash my shower every 6 months or so...REALLY!!!! And it's NOT gross.

Live.Love.Eat said...

That picture of the spider gave me hair raising goosebumps. I'm getting the chills just thinking about it. Eew.........

Claremont First Ward said...

What a great way to start the day. With a spider getting to up close and personal. I don't think I'd like showering with a spider either. :)

Thanks for the great laugh this morning.

Candid Carrie said...

Yup, it was worth reading a second time. Thanks.

Mamahut said...

That is too funny. I hate spiders. There are an extra lots this year for some reason?? To keep our hearts good and strong eh?

Wendy said...

This was my first time to your site. Came from WW. So glad you encouraged reading your spider post! I was in tears laughing it took me two reads to get the full effect!!! Thanks!

Unknown said...

It's gonna take me all day to get over this....

I think I would shower with a bucket and a hose in the drivewy before I got back in that shower :{

Ronnica said...

You went to great lengths to inact your revenge. Ha!

Thanks for stopping by and sharing your spider story!

Clippergirl56 said...

I found this post while reading Looneyverses tale of the spider. You are much braver than me. I would have left the shower never to return until DH had killed the thing.

Unknown said...

Okay that is hysterical. OMG too funny, you are much braver than I. Thanks for sharing the link, I have such the image in my mind now. I'm sure it wasn't funny at the time, though. Once I catch up on comments I will be back to read more of your blog I really like your writing style.

Anonymous said...

Hello there friend!! Oy my goodness - I am all icky even typing on the page. H...a...t...e... spiders and we chose to live in Australia!!! I htink the whole neighbourhood might have seen me nakid if this were me!!!! - eeek still squirming.
Sorry can't look at the link!

Lisa Petrarca said...

EEK...nothing worse than showering with a creepy, crawly, hairy friend!
Glad you made it out with your life...LOL! I hate those things!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Noooooooooo. I could not deal. The hubs would have been woken up ASAP! Happy SITS day!

Hans and Shinta said...

This is hilarious! Sorry you had to experience that though. Glad you survived. =) Have a happy SITS day!

Unknown said...

Omg...I've lysoled spiders before....this sounded just like me talking....too funny.

Anonymous said...

I can't stand spiders, ugh! I'm stopping by from SITS to say hello :-)

mommakin said...

I am sooooo with you on the spiders. You are far more polite than I, though. I would've woken the hubs without a second thought.

JennyMac said...

This is toooooooo funny...and a final stomp and smear for good measure..LOL...

Visiting SITSta..have a great day.

Collette@Jesuslovesmums said...

hate spiders! stopping by from SITS! Great story.

B.o.B. said...

LOL! I hate spiders too. They are just plain creepy. Although they do eat flies and such. But again, just so creepy I don't care what their role is!

Happy SITS Day!

La Belle Mere said...

Eurgh!!!! Yuck... poor you! Wise move with the new curtain.

Happy SITS day!

B x

Becky @ Our Sweet Peas said...

I don't have a "spider thing" but I had a lot of fun laughing at yours :) Is that bad? Happy SITS to you!

Beth in NC said...

Poor Sitsta! I can relate. I HATEEEEEE SPIDERS!!!! I would have gotten rid of that shower curtain a long time ago! I suggest you buy some spider poison at the grocery store! No little visitors would be welcomed in my bathroom. Scream. Just thinking about it makes me want to scream. Ick!

Magaly Guerrero said...

OMG! You ran, um... naked? Hahahaha... *cough, cough* I'm laughing at the spider of course. I'm not afraid of spiders, maybe because they are so tiny, but gosh your description is so good that I can feel your surprise. I'm sure that spider left a warning for the ones to come... or at least some DNA.

I stopped by from SITS to leave you some comment love ;)

Ungirdled Passion said...

Sounds like the making of a horror movie!!! Glad you survived it! Happy SITS

Anonymous said...

That is just too funny. I hate spiders. I would have been screaming and running right along with you. Enjoy your SITS day.

Helen McGinn said... put a PICTURE of a spider on your BLOG? Are you insane, woman??

I truly, completely hate spiders. I can't even put a booted toe towards them to squash. I always check under my pillow every night, just're thinking 'freak' right? Well, one night when I lifted the pillow I screamed and when I calmed down and saw that my stoopid husband was contorted with laughter, I realised it was a drawing of a spider...a spider with a speech bubble saying 'Boo!'.

He's dead now.

Happy Sits Day!!

Multiple personalities.. said...

You paint an awfully funny picture my friend! LOL I'm glad you were victorious over the spider(s)...congratulations on being the FB on SITS today!

Sandra Winn said...

Visiting you from sits and ROFLMAO...We're long lost sisters! I actually don't mind spiders in their natural habitat, in fact, I find them beautiful architectural masters. However, when they enter my domain and freak me out...I do the same as you. Whatever poison I can find, even Windex, is used to spray them to death.

Hugs ~ Sandy

missy said...

ha way to funny........
no pictures needed.....your post was spot on.
happy sits day!!!!

Creative Junkie said...

*thud* <---------- me, at the mere thought of a spider anywhere near my person.

*thud, gurgle, die* <-----, me, at the mere thought of a spider anywhere near my naked person.

Jennifer Juniper said...

That would have been hilarious to witness! Thanks for the laugh this morning! Happy sits day :)

Cher said...

oh my gosh, that was frickin funny!! wow. that is EXACLTY like me. And, I totally agree. That was God's one and only mistake. truly.

Jen Feeny said...

OMG that is hilarious! You poor thing! I am sooooooooooo scared of spiders!!!! I was showering the other day and a HUGE one crawled out of my shower drain... I was traumatized for weeks... every morning I would spray stuff down the drain first before I'd get in!

Congrats on your FB!

Kirsty said...

LOL you paint a vivid picture. Hilarious! I am so sorry for your trauma although I have to argue that rodents in general were God's only mistake.. ;)

Unknown said...

I would have died...I'm sure of it. That is a funny story but I honestly feel your terror. You are braver than I am, no way would have even tried to kill something that big!

Great story...congrats on your FB day!

Anonymous said...

Hi, congrats on being the FB. Oh my god, that picture has got me freaked out. Is that for real? You're braver than me. I think I would dump the shower curtain. ;)

Lisa said...

Yowsers!! I hate spiders too! Great post, very funny!!


Gives me the major, not-good shivers!

Congrats on your SITS day!

Mommys Online Garage Sale said...

I'm not a fan of spiders either. My 6 month old Boxer got bitten by one of those critters a year ago and had to be put to sleep.

Sandy said...

Okay, can't say you didn't warn me about your post but NOT about the pictures! UGH....I'm not afraid of spiders but if I saw one of those in those photos (didn't play the video) I'd probably faint.

Tara said...

Oh. My. Gosh. NO!!!! ahhhh!

Robin said...

LOL....too funny

Hope your day today is a no spider beautiful day.

Rita Templeton said...

OMG! That SO sounds like how I would react in just such a situation ... I HATE spiders. I've got a huge one that insists on building a web outside my back door every.single.night - the door that I let my dog in and out of before bed. And I go to ridiculous (and probably irrational) lengths to avoid that sucker. Just the thought of having to brush past her web as I open the door ... it makes me feel like I'm going to dislodge her and she'll fall on me. *shudder*

Wow, sorry about the long-winded diatribe, but I wanted to let you know that I am totally on board with the spider-hating thing.

Stopping by from SITS, btw. :)

Chanda said...

Love your heart! I hate spiders too! You are braver than I am, I would wake dh up anyways!

Scrappy Girl said...

Ok I have shook all over and have goosebumps...yuck!

Queenie Jeannie said...

I feel your pain!!

This year's "crop of spiders" has been HUGE and HAIRY!! Plus...we've got black widows too.

Fear is the only way to go...

Life of a Stepmama said...

Oh that sounds terrible!! you are much braver than I could have been!! Such a funny story, happy SITS day!!

Michelle said...

In that first picture, where those real spiders?

Astrid in Bristling Acres said...

There's one thing I truly can't stand. Spiders. (okay...and many other insects!). They creep me out....I probably would have freaked right out!
Happy SITS day!

Guide To Life For Women Author - TR Hughes said...

That is exactly what I would have done myself! Crap! That is way too scary...hope I don't dream about it!

glenna said...

I hate spiders! Man I hate spiders!!!

Lula! said...

You're so descriptive! I could totally picture the shower curtain, you in your Crocs, and that nasty spider.

p.s. I didn't picture you naked. Just so you know.

Aleta said...

EWWWW.... You're giving me the creepy crawly feeling just reading this post. YUCK. I Cannot.Stand.Spiders!!!!

Elizabeth Dackson said...

Yikes, I totally despise spiders, too! Happy SITS FB Day!

Melissa said...

Ugh. Spiders are okay as long as they stay outdoors where they belong!

Anna said...

Oh yuck! That is a hysterical story though. I totally would have done he same thing. Although I might have woken everyone in the house up with my screams of shock

Rose said...

spiders always scare the bejesus ot of me! eeek!

Mrs. Mootz said...

Oh my gosh! I am laughing so hard!! I'll have to remember the Lysol. I tend to just throw things at spiders and hope I hit my mark.

nikki said...

ahahahahha. hilarous! i needed that laugh. cute, cute blog.
happy SITS day. :)

Rita Barakat said...

I hate all insects!Yuck!

Rachel Lundy said...

Too funny!

I'm glad you got a clear shower curtain!

tiarastantrums said...

hee hee - I remembered this one from before!

Jessica said...

That's hilarious! I had a similar experience the other day, but with a SCORPION! Oh, I thought I was going to pass out. I was stark naked and had just stepped in the shower and there the little bugger was, next to the drain. HOW DID HE GET IN THERE?!?! Ugh. But that's just one in a long line of scorpion run-ins I've had in this house.

Congrats on winning your spider battle!

Nicole @ Chic and Cheap Nursery said...

That was hilarious! And you are my hero in more ways than one!

- I would have probably passed out in the shower as soon as I saw the thing.
- After I came to, if my screams did not wake my husband you better believe that I would have.
- We would have to move or I would just have to get used to showering in the kitchen sink because I would never again set foot in my bathroom.
- Trips to the toilet would be supervised

I could go on and on...

Happy SITS day!

Unknown said...


I could hardly bear to finish reading.

And yet I did.

Gosh... I hate spiders!!!

Anonymous said...

You are too funny! Poor you - spiders are definitely very creepy in bathrooms - they shouldn't be allowed. I had a similar story to this - when I was on exchanage in Germany, I was having a shower and there was a spider. I started freaking out but I didn't know what to do because I didn't want to barge out of the bathroom in my towel and demand that someone in my exchange family kill the spider for me. Plus, I didn't know what the German word for spider was, so it would have been a very awkward conversation. I think I managed to kill it with my shampoo bottle or something.

Anonymous said...

P.S. Hello from a fellow Albertan! (I'm from Calgary)

Jen said...

I am SO with you in the spider freak out sisterhood!!!! Wugh! I smash them into spider pieces whenever possible, the hell with being humanitarian!

Mikki Black said...

Oh, darlin' you ain't never been scared until you've showered with a camel cricket. It's the evilest of all things. It even looks like a spider, but it jumps a freakin' two feet up in the air, doesn't drown, is too fast to stomp on, and and AND it can CLING TO YOUR SOAKING WET SKIN WITH ITS GRIPPY EVIL FEET!!!!

Wanna see one?


Liz Mays said...

No freakin' way would I have a dark shower curtain after that event either. I'd be perfectly sane if I didn't have to deal with insects. Maybe.

Single Mama NYC said...

LOL, don't feel bad. An ex-boyfriend of mine is over 6 feet tall, 200lbs of muscle, and he is scream-like-a-little-girl afraid of spiders! :-)

Anonymous said...

That is too funny! I hate spiders too and I hate when I open up the curtain to turn on the water and there is one waiting for me!!!

OneZenMom said...

Eeeee. My toes are curling up even as I'm laughing my ass off. I hate spiders! But the laughs at this story were worth the freak-out! :)

{leah} said...

I'm notorious for either vaccuming up the deadly creatures, or... putting a cup over it and then a heavy book {so the thing doesn't move the cup} and leave it there for the husband to take care of. I can't smoosh them... I don't like the crunch or the clean up.

I have to say though... I have never met a spider while I was sans clothing.... you know he was sitting there just waiting for you.

Ronnica said...

I commented on this before...still creepy!

Laura said...

That is a nightmare as far as I'm concerned. Spiders terrify me. IDK why since they are so small, but I am.

kimberly said...

you are better than me....the first time i found a spider on the curtain, it would have been gone! great story! happy sits day!

Geeta said...

Hahaha what a story. Perfect mental picture. Elusive spiders... hate 'em! It's no wonder they're one of Halloween's mascots... they have such a knack for hiding and suddenly... BOO! Jumping out at you. Nice work, soldier ;)

Unknown said...

Funny story! Happy SITS days!

brokenteepee said...

I hate spiders. There is one living in the barn and I swear it is out to get me. It is PINK. It is TRANSLUCENT. CAN YOU IMAGINE ANYTHING WORSE IN A SPIDER?

Oh, it is about the size of a half dollar. It has grown since I first saw it....IIIIICCCCCCKKKKKK!

Happy SITS day!

Cynthia said...

You write beautifully. You had me every step of the way. Who needs pictures when you can write like you do.

Helene said...

Yuck, spiders make me wanna puke. I couldn't read this story without gagging...shiver, shiver, shiver!!

The other day I walked out our front door and a web got in my face and I FREAKED!! I was convinced that there was a spider somewhere on my body. My husband insisted there wasn't but I just felt yucky after that.

Happy SITS day

Laura said...

I feel your pain. We have shower spiders too! :)

Marrdy said...

I hate spiders and I too scream when they are around. I have killed four teeny tiny spiders in the last week....know what that means? Great big spiders in a few weeks. I am already freaked out!!!

Mary | Deep South Dish said...

I would just totally DIE!!

I LOVE spiders. In the garden.

They take care of all kinds of pesky bugs out there. But, if one makes their way into the house, all bets are off. With cats though, I don't often see spiders if they make it inside, much less in the shower. Good grief!! And thank goodness.

Unknown said...

Ewwww EWWWWW Ewwwww....just stopping in from sits 80)

Robbie S. Redmon, LPC said...

Wow, what a way to start my morning. LOL

Siemens said...

OK, ewww. But rodents are worse. Fortunately, we haven't had any in the ten years I've lived here... Oh, forgot to mention the lizards that like to live just under the inside of the garage door (I'm in So Cal). They're always a nice surprise when I open up the door.

Stacey said...

That was freakin hiarious! Sounds like something I would of done!

Stoppin by from SITS

Jewls said...

Holy Cow! You are so brave! I totally would have woken the hubby the moment I saw it! I ONLY ever will kill them if he's not home and my favorite weapon is a can of high-pressure hair spray. Then I happily put a cup over it and leave it for the hubs to dispose of later! Good call on getting rid of that evil shower's worth cleaning your shower to aviod an encounter like that! You're hilarious, happy SITS day! :)

MoxieMamaKC said...

I'm horrifically afraid of spiders! Ewww!

Sarah said...

On the bright side, at least you weren't taking a bath with him! That's a very cute video of the dachshund. I now know what I'll dress my dogs up as for Halloween. Happy SITS day!

Kathleen said...

Loved the spider in the shower story. I'm fighting ants in mine - check carefully then turn on the shower and they pop up from the drain. YUK! Guess I'll try the air freshener on them.

Jen said...

Totally hilarious and I so would have done the same thing!

Alicia said...

oh my gosh!! i would have died!! you handled it so gracefully!

jori-o said...

"God's one and only mistake."

Haha! You're too funny! And that video at the end is a riot!

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

Love the "God's one and only mistake" line!! Good one. :) Visiting from SITS!

Sandy said...

LOL! No pictures necessary! Spiders are so gross!

supahmommy- somethin's wrong with that girl said...

ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew

one for each leg of afformentioned ( sp) spider...



sits friend who still thinks sits sound like an illness we;re all sharing

Henrietta said...

UGH! I hate spiders int he house! When I was little there were always spiders in the tub and mom would wash them down the drain, I remember being so scared they would comeback up, I took very fast showers!

Happy SITSday!

Patricia said...

*LOL* that was hysterical. I'd be so getting rid of that shower curtain. In our house it's the man who is afraid of spiders so he wouldn't have been much help.

Happy SITS day!

Mel at Adventures of Mel said...

ewww, ewww, ewww! I don't like spiders at all! Especially in the shower! And they are such quick little buggers....they can move so fast. In our old house, we had these wood spiders, and they were the quickest things I've ever seen. Eek!

piecemeal people said...

This sounds a lot like me, right down to the husband with no patience for a wife that won't kill her own bugs.

"God's one and only mistake" - funny, but I'd have to add mosquitos to that list as well. :)

Happy SITS Day!

(Also, why do you have so many spiders in Canada???)

mamammelloves said...

Yuck! I hate any bugs... especially in the shower! Funny story! :)

AdriansCrazyLife said...

That's hilarious! Now let's hope they don't start making transparent spiders.

See ya at SITScation!

SugarandSpice said...

LOL!!!!! I knbow how you feel! I feel the same way about earwigs! Great story. Very funny AND relatable!

C. Beth said...

Eeeeeeeew!!!! Great story!

Anonymous said... daughter LOVE spiders..

Julie said...

I have those spiders, and I've had that day however you tell the story much better.

Blog on..

Kekibird said...

I'm not sure if I want to cry or laugh or scream or do it all! I hate spiders with a passion. They scare the bejeezus out of me. Glad you survived and thanks for sharing it with us. I got a good smile out of it.

Happy FB at SITS Day!

Anonymous said...

Ew! I hate that. I sometimes find an earwig hiding in my shower curtain. Gah!!

Anonymous said...

One down only a million more to go! I totally don't feel bad for that spider. I can't stand them so good for you for taking the time and effort to make sure he no longer exists! I probably would have done the same thing.

Lynn said...

A scream!!!
Have you ever tried to smash one on the ceiling?
And Miss?
And jump off the bed screaming? Causing your hub to run upstairs to see what sort of rapist, gang member, serial killer sneaked into the house while he was having a nap?

Rae Ann said...

Happy SITS Day!

Bahahahaha! I'm sorry that happened to you, but is sure made good blog fodder!

CoffeewithZooly said...

Oh dear Rhonda I can understand totally.

I think you should try Australia - we'll solve the spider thing by introducing you to all new bunch of creppy crawlies are worse - mosquitoes, the geckos & crickets & cicadas are all so noisy you can't sleep on a hot summer night. Then there our wonderful reptiles - snakes & lizards.

take care,

CoffeewithZooly said...

Oh dear Rhonda I can understand totally.

I think you should try Australia - we'll solve the spider thing by introducing you to all new bunch of creppy crawlies are worse - mosquitoes, the geckos & crickets & cicadas are all so noisy you can't sleep on a hot summer night. Then there our wonderful reptiles - snakes & lizards.

take care,

Amy said...

That is freakin hilarious! Very sad for you and the spider, but very enjoyable for the rest of us. Happy SITS day!

Shelley said...

I HATE battleing spiders but I can't even imagine doing it in my birthday suit. You are a WARRIOR I tell you!

Angeline Schnare said...

Wonderful! You painted a perfect picture of the moment that it gave me the creeps and I'm OK with spiders. I feel bad if I squish them. I just put the outside. Oh, and how do they get in the shower?
You might enjoy my post
It does not feature spiders.
Happy SITS Day!

Anonymous said...

I hate almost aaaaaalllll kinds of bugs - especially spiders. How are we supposed to compete with eight eyed freaks? My husbands line for all little creatures is: "They're more afraid of you, than you are of them." Yeah right! My spit or bite can't cause moderate to severe paralysis or even death. Death to all spiders! Bravo!

My best, Lynn

Kathryn said...

haha greatd post! That would have been me!

Holly @ Domestic Dork said...

GAHHH! Are you trying to give me a heart attack! Put a disclaimer about those photos at the top of the post SITSta! *shudder*

Anna said...

This is too funny!! I have so acted like this when I've seen spiders. I am terrified of them!!

Mountain Mama said...

Okay. I like spiders. They have chatch-and-release status in my little world. However, if it had been a snake I would have fled screaming out in the yard naked.

And the neighbors would have yet another story to tell.

Lady Mama said...

Ahhhhh! I hate spiders! My heart almost stopped when I saw that first picture - I had to move past it fast. I think you dealt very well with the situation. I probably would have freaked and woken everyone in the house.

Anonymous said...

OMG, that is creepy in every way. I would have had go get a clear shower curtain too...ahhhh!

Jamie :)

Atlanta said...

*shudder* Thats just freakin terrible. I HATE spiders. I even enlist my little BOY to kill them for me. When we lived in Louisianna I had sooo many encounters such as this I still have nightmares!!! One Couple who lived in the same housing as us (on base)...the woman told her husband if he didnt get her out of the spider infested woodded area our houses were in she would divorce him. Thats how bad it was. Just imagine killing a spider carrying babies on her back and having hundres of tiny spiders scatter towards you at once. The stuff on my nightmares I tell you!!! EEEk!
stopping by from SITS. Sorry Im late! Congrats on FB!!!

Just Lisa said...

LOL! What is it about spiders and showers? I have to herd one out of my daughter's shower almost every night!

Happy SITS day!

Anonymous said...

This is hilarious - and exactly how I would react. I hate spiders. HATE them.

Bentley Boutique said...

OMG I needed a good laugh! That was hysterical. Keep on slaying 'em! I hate spiders.

The Redhead Riter said...

I can just imagine you running around naked away from a tiny little spider...LOL

Visiting from SITS

:o) Hope you had a Happy Monday!

shortmama said...

LOL my friend is that way about spiders too! Cracks me up!

Controlling My Chaos said...

I love, love, love this. This sounds like something that would happen to me. I detest spiders. In fact, I just had Spider Man come and spray my house today because ALL OF THEM MUST DIE.

Anonymous said...

Visiting from SITS and that was hilarious!! Spiders are bad anywhere, but especially in the shower. Yikes!

Mommy to those Special Ks said...

OK first off happy SITS day! And second omg that was SO freaking funny! I would have done the SAME thing... well actually, there's no way in HECK I would have gone back into that shower. I totally would have woken up my hubby and made him find it... so you're braver than me. But yes, that curtain most certainly would have been gone gone gone after that! LOL I can't watch the video because I'm about to go to bed and I'd like to be able to sleep tonight! haha I'll be back to watch it tomorrow though. LOL

Anonymous said...

Eww. Eww. And EWW! LOL! Happy SITS day!

Karen MEG said...

Accck, spiders freak me right out. What a hilarious post! You're a brave woman :).

Lani said...

oh- creeeeepy. I hate spiders SO much, and I totally had a spider trap me in the shower once too- it would movve like it was going to come after me when I started to get out of the shower so I just stood there staring at it till my boyfriend rescued me! spiders suck!
Happy SIts Day!

Kelly said...

Oh my. I would have freaked.. and probably would have woken up DH to take care of it. You are braver than I to get back in the shower after that!

Atlanta said...

Unfortunately my dear, the Hubby WAS DEPLOYED... so I was stuck squeeling and spraying raid all over the floor while yelling at my kids to get away so I didnt spray THEM with poison!! *shudder* Good lord that was aweful!

Madison {Life Happens During Naptime} said...

OH NO!!! I found a HUGE spider in my shower a week ago and FREAKED, I drowned it in EcoSmart pesticide and then left the dead carcass for Hubs to clean up when he got home. Oh and didn't shower that day. You are braver than I am!!!

Now I shake out my towels and check the shower every day before getting in.

Frugal New England Kitchen said...

Visiting from SITS - for the first time - what a welcoming post!

Eeew - can't stand spiders. Have my own spider-in-the-bathroom story - must have traveled in a box of tissue from the store - each time I tell the story, it gets bigger. But really, I think they call it a box spider or a recluse!

Rhiannon Bosse said...

ewwww was it seriously that big?! GAH!!!! I would die. Just die.

African American Mom said...

Wow, that was a big spider!

Brandy@YDK said...

happy SITS day. your story is hilarious.

Lisa said...

Bwhahahahaha...OMG, the people at work are no doubt thinking I'm the crazy lady who laughs and talks to herself for no apparent reason.

This was by far the funniest thing I've read all day.

Only because I've seen my husband do this. Except it was on his pillow. In our bed. He sat up for 2 hours, curled in a chair, with a shoe waiting for it to return to kill it.

Anonymous said...

EEEEEEEEK! You have such a great sense of humor!

I'm going to post this as one of my favorite blog posts of the week! if you want to get the badge!

Anonymous said...

Visiting from sits (i'm a late-bird playing catchup)! So sorry you went through such an ordeal!!! But it is a GREAT post! Love your humour! Congrats on your feature!

Sarah Elizabeth

Kim said...

I HATE spiders too! Hate them! Unfortunately so does my husband which is somewhat of a problem when I'm running as fast as I can telling him to take care of it! I cannot even imagine doing what you did! Oh the bravery!