My life in pictures, stories and open letters.

My life in pictures, stories and open letters.

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Sunday, August 03, 2008

I spent the evening with Heath....

It was fantastic.  Just me and Heath.  Oh, and my husband and a million other movie-goers were there too.  I, like so many others, first fell for Heath while watching "A Knight's Tale".  Oh. My. Stars.  Now, his last. The Dark Knight.
I waited in line for popcorn and drinks for 45 minutes.  Yes, you read that correctly.  I missed the first 25 minutes of the movie, which were thankfully mainly previews.  I was not happy.  
It took about two and a half seconds to forget that I was ticked off.  It was that good.  And, yes, Heath, while not looking his best, was still fabulous.  Leon asked if I still thought he was good looking with all the make up on.  Yes.  Yes I did.  We've bonded, and I know what's underneath it.  
I was sad watching his last movie.  I was sad thinking that, if reports are true, that he was such a fabulous method actor that the movie disturbed him.  He was having trouble sleeping.  I'm saddened that his eventual death came about for our entertainment.  It's tragic to think that this fine actor, with such an amazing future, died the way he did.  I find it worse that it was an accident.  
I know, he had his issues with addiction.  I know.  I'm just so sad for him. 
Afterward, I sat there while everyone else poured out of the theatre, anxious to be on their way.  Some would probably go out to Tim Horton's for hot chocolate like Leon and I.  Others, perhaps, were heading out to sneak into another theatre.  Some probably rushed out to relieve babysitters who weren't expecting a near three hour movie.  I was determined to see the "In memory of..." that HAD to be there.  
Credits rolled. Some Christopher Nolan character was named about a million times. Then came the actors. Leon, the whole time, was saying it wouldn't be there. He was only in a few movies. He wasn't that popular.

There it was.  "In memory of Heath Ledger and ........ "  It's probably sad that I don't know who the heck the other guy was.  Seeing that, I was able to close the door on my Heath. 
I won't lie.  There were tears.  
I know.  I'm a loser.
And, so, tonight I said farewell.

I feel it's necessary to let you all know that I assured my husband that if he dies, I'll be sad for him


Ronda's Rants said...

You are too funny...not about Heath but the comment about your Hubby. I so understand...he wasn't just a cutie pie but he was a great actor! We haven't seen it because frankly we have been working so hard we have "no Life." But, soon...and then I get a vacation and movies and sunshine and butterflies....

Candid Carrie said...

Nice tribute, well done. I too would have stayed in the theatre to see what it said. In fact, I think I am always the last one to leave the theatre, I some how think that after forking over all my money to be in there that there is going to be some kind of personal message like, "Carrie! We are so glad you were here. Yes we know it cost you a boatload of money with the sitter and her snacks and you and your husband and your snacks and the gas money and the tickets and the fact that you needed new pants because the zipper broke on the pair you were planning to wear. Thank you for spending the evening with us. Bye Carrie. Come back soon."

Mamahut said...

Wasn't he awsome in this? I felt like you did. Was it the movie that caused him to od? My 12 year old loves the Joker now. I kinda fell for the Batman dude,,,whew.

Claremont First Ward said...

Wait......this has been edited from my bloglines feed. WHO said, nothing tastes.....thin?

Claremont First Ward said...

Yes......that comment showed up in this post in my bloglines reader. I thought maybe someone had commented that on your blog and I was going to vomit. :)

Heather said...

I fell in love with Heath watching "10 Things I Hate About You". Watched it twice just to see him.

wy-not said...

Oh darn. Now am I going to have to see the movie. Am so knowing that I'll be too sad to concentrate... nice tribute!