My life in pictures, stories and open letters.

My life in pictures, stories and open letters.

Please be advised that you are entering my blog.
My blog.
The opinions herein are mine.
I am free to rant and vent to my heart's content.
If you find yourself mentioned here, then you've made quite an impression on me.
Feel free to read on if you would like to know if that impression is good, bad or ugly.
If you choose not to know, I invite you to move your mouse over to the little red X in the top corner of your screen and click.
Regardless of the option you choose, I hope you have a fabulous day!

Monday, June 30, 2008

Okay, now what?

So, my DH is taking out girls and heading off to the lake for five or six days. Whatever will I do? I know you will think, HELLO???? What do you mean, "What will I do?"

I know. It sounds like heaven on earth. The house is quiet. The house may (or may not) stay clean. I can crank the music. Or not. I can run around in my bucks. (We can all thank our lucky stars now that I WON'T! EVER!) I can work at my computer for as many hours as I must to get my three weddings finished. Or I can just play Packrat on Facebook with Evi! I can fine dine on A&W onion rings and Petro Canada slushes without guilt.

Once you get past how delightful this all sounds, consider this.

The house will be too quiet.
I can crank my music, but will it be the same without the intelligent teenage comments about how stupid my music is? (Evi - '80s is TOTALLY the way to go. Sorry Heather...)
Now I have the picture of a fat naked me running around my house. Ewwwww!
Work. LOTS of it!
The hours of Facebook Packrat just confirms that I have no life. Few friends. And zero imagination.

Sad. Lonely.

The endless slushes and no clean house obligations sound FAB though!


Heather said...

Dreamy, indeed!! Except for the 80's music. *shudder*

Unknown said...

Well...the 80's music was REALLY short lived, I could only take so much of it. Though it would be fun to crank it up together and reminisce!
Friday sounds great BTW...Tim and the boys are finally here so I have the van. I could meet you somewhere in the middle of us both.