Okay, so Evi tagged me. I guess that means that I am "it". I honestly don't know any other bloggers, but I am going to do this anyway.
The meme tag topic is to share six unimportant things about myself and then to tag six other people to do the same thing I apparently have rules I need to follow and need to post them here for those whom I tag to follow.
So here they are:
1. Link back to the person who tagged you.
2. Post these rules on your blog.
3. Share six unimportant things about yourself.
4. Tag six random people at the end of your entry.
Six unimportant things about me. Here we go:
1. I know this is going to be copying Evi's (and maybe I SHOULD - copy paste - to save myself from typing it out myself, seeing as she said it soooo much better than I can) but I LOVE to sing!!!! I belt it out best in the van also. I also open up the house windows in the summer when I am cleaning and blast the music and sing to the neighbours .... heck, to the next community actually! I have no shame. I know, also, that I am no good, but I still love to hear my kids tell me that I should try out next time Canadian Idol comes to town!
2. Okay, now it's getting harder. I daydream. I LOVE to daydream. Sometimes I end up talking out loud, or crying, or laughing at what my weee little imagination has created. Sometimes my life takes a tragic turn. One time I won the lottery and spent the better part of the next very long while (how's that for specific?) making sure that all the wee babies born long ago and gone to heaven before they even had a chance to live get proper headstones. (My great uncle out by Wildwood is one of those wee babes, although he does have a fairly new pretty little wooden cross.) Not just a little metal cross with a last name rusted off. Not just "Baby Jones". They lived. They were important. Don't they deserve their name on a real little white headstone? While I'm at it maybe I will try to find a living family member so that SOMEONE out there will know this sweet little one... I'm sorry. I rambled a bit on that one. In fact, I probably could have split that into two separate things. I may have to if I run out. Note to self....
3. I don't want to be a secretary. But, really, what else could I do? Anything else might take effort and hard work, and GASP, I might fail. I am a closet "content to be stuck" person. I am no closer now to knowing what I want to do when I grow up than I was when I was a kid. Suggestions anyone? (Just make sure it is easy, and that I already have the skills needed to do the job so I don't look like an idiot, and I'd rather not have to go back to school, and hey, while you're at it make me skinny, okay?)
Holy, I need three more??? Seriously? I may have to split number 2 after all....
4. I LOVE to make people laugh. Laughter is good for the soul, I know that, but I love to make people laugh more so than actually laughing myself. In fact, sometimes I feel so happy when I've made someone have a good belly laugh that I get tears in my eyes. Happy tears of course. I did that today at work, and no matter how crappy I feel right now (I am fighting one heck of a head cold!!!) I walked away feeling pretty darned fantastic! No chocolate, or slush or, well, other thing, could feel better than that!
5. When I do something nice for a stranger (this could be as simple as wishing someone "Merry Christmas" - Yes, you heard me. Merry Christmas, not "Happy Holidays"! or buy someone a drink or lend a little kid money at the till because he doesn't have enough for all his candy, or buy a homeless person a hot chocolate - AND give him the change!) I cry. Not big sobbing wails, but just tears. My eyes cry very easily!!! Stupid huh? Are you noticing a pattern than not only am I a closet "content to be stuck" person, I am also a marshmallow!? I suppose I could stand to share some of this "nice me" with my family and not just strangers!
6. My bladder just isn't the same anymore. I can no longer skip rope, jump on the trampoline, or sneeze quite like a used to.
Sorry about that last one. I absolutely could not think of anything else, so that's what was left. lol
I don't have any blog friends except for Evi!!! Sorry. But this was fun anyway! Thanks Evi!
My life in pictures, stories and open letters.

My blog.
The opinions herein are mine.
I am free to rant and vent to my heart's content.
If you find yourself mentioned here, then you've made quite an impression on me.
Feel free to read on if you would like to know if that impression is good, bad or ugly.
If you choose not to know, I invite you to move your mouse over to the little red X in the top corner of your screen and click.
Regardless of the option you choose, I hope you have a fabulous day!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Sunday, April 13, 2008
OMG! Who's the fat girl?
At my stage rehearsal at the Myer Horowitz on Thursday night, I was practising with my group when suddenly we heard our music playing somewhere. We found one of our ladies at a table where she had set up her little DVD player and was playing a recording of us dancing at our last practise. I was busy looking for me, as we all tend to want to see ourselves. I looked to where I thought I should be, then looked again, because I couldn't find myself. I was certain that I was to be in that row in this portion of the dance, but nope. I wasn't there. I looked again, positive that I should be the third person back in that first row. Then I realized. I was the fat girl that I first noticed when I walked over to the DVD player. I don't remember now what I thought when I saw that girl I didn't know was me. It may have been something along the lines of "Oh, I didn't realize we had any larger dancers on our side of the routine." I'm sure it was close to that, anyway. When I realized it was me, I just watched for another minute, in absolute disbelief. Then that disbelief turned to embarrassment. Then disgust. I can't believe I've let this happen. But does knowing it help me to stop it? Nope. I think it has made it worse, actually. How friggin sad and pathetic is that?
Friday, April 11, 2008
My bucket list
I still have to check off which I've done. Some require stories that will follow on Sunday....
1. Bought everyone in the bar a drink
2. Swam with wild dolphins
3. Climbed a mountain
4. Taken a Ferrari for a test drive
5. Been inside the Great Pyramid
6. Held a tarantula - absofrigginNEVER!!!!
7. Taken a candlelit bath with someone - no comment
8. Said "I love you" and meant it
9. Hugged a tree
10. Bungee jumped - - twice, when I was smart enough to know better, but did it anyway
11. Visited Paris
12. Watched a lightning storm at sea
13. Stayed up all night long and saw the sun rise
14. Seen the Northern Lights
15. Gone to a huge sports game - many times, when my girls play sports (those are better than any prof sport anyday! And when Asia was an Eskimo Junior for a game. That was pretty cool.
16. Walked the stairs to the top of the leaning Tower of Pisa
17. Grown and eaten your own vegetables
18. Touched an iceberg
19. Slept under the stars
20. Changed a baby's diaper
21. Taken a trip in a hot air balloon -
22. Watched a meteor shower
23. Gotten drunk on champagne
24. Given more than you can afford to charity
25. Looked up at the night sky through a telescope
26. Had an uncontrollable giggling fit at the worst possible moment - OMG!!! When we met with Harold to go over wedding ceremony stuff!!!!! It was REALLY embarrassing!
27. Had a food fight Chocolate fondue in Lynne's white kitchen!!! Those were the days! Meanwhile, our kids were playing huff'n'puff vacuum cleaner with christmas rice krispies in the basement!
28. Bet on a winning horse
29. Asked out a stranger -
30. Had a snowball fight
31. Screamed as loudly as you possibly can - I was the screamer in a community haunted house when I was a kid.
32. Held a lamb
33. Seen a total eclipse
34. Ridden a roller coaster - just tonight in fact, with Asia and a couple of her friends.
35. Hit a home run
36. Danced like a fool and not cared who was looking - and boy was I sick the next day!
37. Adopted an accent for an entire day Jodi Shewchuck and I went Australian on the ski hill for a day.
38. Actually felt happy about your life, even for just a moment - that was a really good day.
39. Had two hard drives for your computer
40. Visited all 50 states
41. Taken care of someone who was shit faced - Tammy. She returned the favour, too, I must add. That's what friends are for afterall.
42. Had amazing friends
43. Danced with a stranger in a foreign country - A cute young guy on the pirate ship excursion in Puerto Vallarta
44. Watched wild whales
45. Stolen a sign
46. Backpacked in Europe
47. Taken a road-trip - - Drumheller last summer - good times!
48. Gone rock climbing
49. Midnight walk on the beach
50. Gone sky diving -
51. Visited Ireland
52. Been heartbroken longer than you were actually in love
53. In a restaurant, sat at a stranger's table and had a meal with them
54. Visited Japan
55. Milked a cow
56. Alphabetized your CDs
57. Pretended to be a superhero.
58. Sung karaoke - Yes, and my apologies to all!
59. Lounged around in bed all day -
60. Posed nude in front of strangers
61. Gone scuba diving
62. Kissed in the rain
63. Played in the mud
64. Played in the rain
65. Gone to a drive-in theater - Once in a trunk, another time in a toolbox of a truck. There were a few times as a kid, one of those was a horror flick followed by an X-rated film (flesh gordon). I was about 8. lol Ah, I have some great memories of my childhood. lmao!
66. Visited the Great Wall of China
67. Started a business
68. Fallen in love and not had your heart broken
69. Toured ancient sites
70. Taken a martial arts class -
71. Played D&D for more than 6 hours straight
72. Gotten married
73. Been in a movie
74. Crashed a party
75. Gotten divorced
76. Gone without food for 5 days
77. Made cookies from scratch
78. Won first prize in a costume contest me and Tammy and our beaus at the time dressed up for a hippie party. We were among the only ones in the bar who dressed up.
79. Ridden a gondola in Venice
80. Gotten a tattoo - I have a ghecko on my back.
81. Rafted the Snake River
82. Been on television news programs as an expert
83. Got flowers for no reason - Leon was so good at this once upon a time. You are probably thinking the courtship was over and he stopped. Nope, this went on for many years until I told him to stop. I'm a moron. Yup.
84. Performed on stage Too many times to count. Next is May 12, and then June 14!
85. Been to Las Vegas When Asia was 8 weeks old and fresh out of the hospital from her stay with RSV. Oh, to be young and carefree and more than a little bit stupid. I had a great time, though!
86. Recorded music Becky and I used to sing Randy Travis songs into my little tape recorder. Oi!
87. Eaten shark
88. Eaten fugu
89. Had a one-night stand
90. Gone to Thailand
91. Bought a house Several, in fact.
92. Been in a combat zone I have daughters. One of them is 14. Need I say more?
93. Buried one/both of your parents
94. Been on a cruise ship Took the older two girls on a cruise to Progresso, Cozumel and Belize City.
95. Spoken more than one language fluently
96. Performed in Rocky Horror Picture Show -
97. Raised children - Well, I'm trying to anyway.
98. Followed your favorite band/singer on tour
99. Taken an exotic bicycle tour in a foreign country
100. Picked up and moved to another city to just start over
101. Walked the Golden Gate Bridge
102. Sang loudly in the car, and didn't stop when you knew someone was looking - With the girls, heading to Lane's apartment, we turned on this radio station that was playing this really upbeat mexican song!!! The people in cars all around us were laughing at us as my poor minivan is shaking and rocking and rolling!!!
103. Had plastic surgery
104. Survived an accident that you shouldn't have survived
105. Written articles for a major publication
106. Lost over 100 pounds and gained, and lost and gained and lost.....
107. Held someone while they were having a flashback
108. Piloted an airplane
109. Petted a stingray
110. Broken someone's heart - yes, sorry.
111. Ridden a bike - I rode my bike almost all winter part of the way to work. It wasn't so bad actually. Except now that it is nice enough to ride all the time, and enjoy it, my bike is broken!!!
112. Won money on a T.V. game show
113. Broken a bone I fractured the tip of my middle finger in grade three when I slammed my finger in the door of my dad's car.
114. Gone on an African photo safari
115. Had a body part of yours below the neck pierced
116. Fired a rifle, shotgun, or pistol
117. Eaten mushrooms that were gathered in the wild
118. Ridden a horse
119. Had major surgery
120. Had a snake as a pet
121. Hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon
122. Slept for more than 30 hours over the course of 48 hours - When I was sick as a kid.
123. Visited more foreign countries than U.S. states
124. Visited all 7 continents
125. Taken a canoe trip that lasted more than 2 days
126. Eaten kangaroo meat
127. Eaten sushi
128. Had your picture in the newspaper - Most recently me and Cassie, and another of me and both my big girls was in the Sun/Journal at the Suicide Awareness March this past September. Another sad day that I would rather know nothing about. But, as it turns out, suicide has now touched our family, and the Suicide Awareness March is something we will do every September for many years to come.
129. Changed someone's mind about something you care deeply about
130. Gone back to school
131. Parasailed
132. Petted a cockroach
133. Eaten fried green tomatoes
134. Read The Iliad and The Odyssey
135. Selected one important author who you missed in school, and read
136. Killed and prepared an animal for eating
137. Skipped all your school reunions
138. Communicated with someone without sharing a common spoken language
139. Been elected to public office
140. Written your own computer language
141. Thought to yourself that you're living your dream
142. Had to put someone you love into hospice care
143. Built your own PC from parts
144. Sold your own artwork to someone who didn't know you
145. Had a booth at a street fair
146. Dyed your hair
147. Been a DJ
148. Shaved your head
149. Caused a car accident
150. Saved someone's life
1. Bought everyone in the bar a drink
2. Swam with wild dolphins
3. Climbed a mountain
4. Taken a Ferrari for a test drive
5. Been inside the Great Pyramid
6. Held a tarantula - absofrigginNEVER!!!!
7. Taken a candlelit bath with someone - no comment
8. Said "I love you" and meant it
9. Hugged a tree
10. Bungee jumped - - twice, when I was smart enough to know better, but did it anyway
11. Visited Paris
12. Watched a lightning storm at sea
13. Stayed up all night long and saw the sun rise
14. Seen the Northern Lights
15. Gone to a huge sports game - many times, when my girls play sports (those are better than any prof sport anyday! And when Asia was an Eskimo Junior for a game. That was pretty cool.
16. Walked the stairs to the top of the leaning Tower of Pisa
17. Grown and eaten your own vegetables
18. Touched an iceberg
19. Slept under the stars
20. Changed a baby's diaper
21. Taken a trip in a hot air balloon -
22. Watched a meteor shower
23. Gotten drunk on champagne
24. Given more than you can afford to charity
25. Looked up at the night sky through a telescope
26. Had an uncontrollable giggling fit at the worst possible moment - OMG!!! When we met with Harold to go over wedding ceremony stuff!!!!! It was REALLY embarrassing!
27. Had a food fight Chocolate fondue in Lynne's white kitchen!!! Those were the days! Meanwhile, our kids were playing huff'n'puff vacuum cleaner with christmas rice krispies in the basement!
28. Bet on a winning horse
29. Asked out a stranger -
30. Had a snowball fight
31. Screamed as loudly as you possibly can - I was the screamer in a community haunted house when I was a kid.
32. Held a lamb
33. Seen a total eclipse
34. Ridden a roller coaster - just tonight in fact, with Asia and a couple of her friends.
35. Hit a home run
36. Danced like a fool and not cared who was looking - and boy was I sick the next day!
37. Adopted an accent for an entire day Jodi Shewchuck and I went Australian on the ski hill for a day.
38. Actually felt happy about your life, even for just a moment - that was a really good day.
39. Had two hard drives for your computer
40. Visited all 50 states
41. Taken care of someone who was shit faced - Tammy. She returned the favour, too, I must add. That's what friends are for afterall.
42. Had amazing friends
43. Danced with a stranger in a foreign country - A cute young guy on the pirate ship excursion in Puerto Vallarta
44. Watched wild whales
45. Stolen a sign
46. Backpacked in Europe
47. Taken a road-trip - - Drumheller last summer - good times!
48. Gone rock climbing
49. Midnight walk on the beach
50. Gone sky diving -
51. Visited Ireland
52. Been heartbroken longer than you were actually in love
53. In a restaurant, sat at a stranger's table and had a meal with them
54. Visited Japan
55. Milked a cow
56. Alphabetized your CDs
57. Pretended to be a superhero.
58. Sung karaoke - Yes, and my apologies to all!
59. Lounged around in bed all day -
60. Posed nude in front of strangers
61. Gone scuba diving
62. Kissed in the rain
63. Played in the mud
64. Played in the rain
65. Gone to a drive-in theater - Once in a trunk, another time in a toolbox of a truck. There were a few times as a kid, one of those was a horror flick followed by an X-rated film (flesh gordon). I was about 8. lol Ah, I have some great memories of my childhood. lmao!
66. Visited the Great Wall of China
67. Started a business
68. Fallen in love and not had your heart broken
69. Toured ancient sites
70. Taken a martial arts class -
71. Played D&D for more than 6 hours straight
72. Gotten married
73. Been in a movie
74. Crashed a party
75. Gotten divorced
76. Gone without food for 5 days
77. Made cookies from scratch
78. Won first prize in a costume contest me and Tammy and our beaus at the time dressed up for a hippie party. We were among the only ones in the bar who dressed up.
79. Ridden a gondola in Venice
80. Gotten a tattoo - I have a ghecko on my back.
81. Rafted the Snake River
82. Been on television news programs as an expert
83. Got flowers for no reason - Leon was so good at this once upon a time. You are probably thinking the courtship was over and he stopped. Nope, this went on for many years until I told him to stop. I'm a moron. Yup.
84. Performed on stage Too many times to count. Next is May 12, and then June 14!
85. Been to Las Vegas When Asia was 8 weeks old and fresh out of the hospital from her stay with RSV. Oh, to be young and carefree and more than a little bit stupid. I had a great time, though!
86. Recorded music Becky and I used to sing Randy Travis songs into my little tape recorder. Oi!
87. Eaten shark
88. Eaten fugu
89. Had a one-night stand
90. Gone to Thailand
91. Bought a house Several, in fact.
92. Been in a combat zone I have daughters. One of them is 14. Need I say more?
93. Buried one/both of your parents
94. Been on a cruise ship Took the older two girls on a cruise to Progresso, Cozumel and Belize City.
95. Spoken more than one language fluently
96. Performed in Rocky Horror Picture Show -
97. Raised children - Well, I'm trying to anyway.
98. Followed your favorite band/singer on tour
99. Taken an exotic bicycle tour in a foreign country
100. Picked up and moved to another city to just start over
101. Walked the Golden Gate Bridge
102. Sang loudly in the car, and didn't stop when you knew someone was looking - With the girls, heading to Lane's apartment, we turned on this radio station that was playing this really upbeat mexican song!!! The people in cars all around us were laughing at us as my poor minivan is shaking and rocking and rolling!!!
103. Had plastic surgery
104. Survived an accident that you shouldn't have survived
105. Written articles for a major publication
106. Lost over 100 pounds and gained, and lost and gained and lost.....
107. Held someone while they were having a flashback
108. Piloted an airplane
109. Petted a stingray
110. Broken someone's heart - yes, sorry.
111. Ridden a bike - I rode my bike almost all winter part of the way to work. It wasn't so bad actually. Except now that it is nice enough to ride all the time, and enjoy it, my bike is broken!!!
112. Won money on a T.V. game show
113. Broken a bone I fractured the tip of my middle finger in grade three when I slammed my finger in the door of my dad's car.
114. Gone on an African photo safari
115. Had a body part of yours below the neck pierced
116. Fired a rifle, shotgun, or pistol
117. Eaten mushrooms that were gathered in the wild
118. Ridden a horse
119. Had major surgery
120. Had a snake as a pet
121. Hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon
122. Slept for more than 30 hours over the course of 48 hours - When I was sick as a kid.
123. Visited more foreign countries than U.S. states
124. Visited all 7 continents
125. Taken a canoe trip that lasted more than 2 days
126. Eaten kangaroo meat
127. Eaten sushi
128. Had your picture in the newspaper - Most recently me and Cassie, and another of me and both my big girls was in the Sun/Journal at the Suicide Awareness March this past September. Another sad day that I would rather know nothing about. But, as it turns out, suicide has now touched our family, and the Suicide Awareness March is something we will do every September for many years to come.
129. Changed someone's mind about something you care deeply about
130. Gone back to school
131. Parasailed
132. Petted a cockroach
133. Eaten fried green tomatoes
134. Read The Iliad and The Odyssey
135. Selected one important author who you missed in school, and read
136. Killed and prepared an animal for eating
137. Skipped all your school reunions
138. Communicated with someone without sharing a common spoken language
139. Been elected to public office
140. Written your own computer language
141. Thought to yourself that you're living your dream
142. Had to put someone you love into hospice care
143. Built your own PC from parts
144. Sold your own artwork to someone who didn't know you
145. Had a booth at a street fair
146. Dyed your hair
147. Been a DJ
148. Shaved your head
149. Caused a car accident
150. Saved someone's life
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