My life in pictures, stories and open letters.

My life in pictures, stories and open letters.

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Friday, March 06, 2009

Best Friends

I've written about Asia & Christopher before, but I just feel I need to share some more.  

Christopher was over for a little bit tonight and we were driving the kids out to the roller rink for the evening.  We put supper on the table and I just quietly watched while they chatted over what they liked and didn't like.  

Christopher likes ketchup on his potatoes. 

Asia thinks it's gross.

Christopher likes ketchup on his pyrogies.

Asia likes syrup on hers.

Surprisingly, Christopher doesn't like ketchup on his meat pie.

Asia thinks it's a must-have.

Why am I telling you this?

It's because, while they were having this discussion, they were casually, and comfortably as can be, reaching over and taking some food off each other's plates.

Not like a sibling would. To pick a fight.

But like a best friend would.  Without even thinking about it, you know?

Christopher would stab a potato and dip it in Asia's ketchup.  She reached over and put another scoop of carrots on his plate.  And then had some.

It was awesome. And I can't believe that it darned near is making me weepy just telling you about it. How amazing is that, for these kids to be that close?  
I love it. And I adore these kids.


Blog Stalker said...

That IS really sweet and cool. If only siblings were always more like best friends.

You should have taken a picture Rhonda! lol

Have a great day!

Ronda's Rants said...

If you would have taken a picture it would have ruined the moment...but you have it in your mind's eye to remember always!
It made me want to cry because...My marriage is like that most days...not so much right now!
Thanks for making me think!

Betty said...

That is so sweet! Are you wishing that it will turn into "romantic" love some day?

Queenie Jeannie said...

Ahhhh! What a sweet story! Thank you for sharing it with us!!!

Unknown said...

With siblings the fork would have turned into a deadly weapon and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the blood and the ketchup!
That is why you almost wept...the beauty and tranquility of a non-sibling moment can really do a person in!
I SOOOO get that!

wy-not said...

I love Evi. I was crying along with you till I read her comment. Now I am laughing out loud. She is so right. But what an amazing privilege it was for you to watch an almost-sacred moment like that.

Anonymous said...

Okay,as the mother of Christopher, you are making me cry!!!! I am so glad that they have each other and hope they always will! Thanks again for driving them to skating last night. I felt a lot better about it because Asia was there!

Aunt Julie said...

That's one of the top 3 things I miss about being an Empty Nester...other than, of course, my girls...having their friends hang around the house. BTW, starting a new Pop'rs Giveaway tomorrow!

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

That is very sweet. It sounds like a solid friendship that will last for a very long time.

Lilly said...

That is the best kind of friendship and just the fact Christopher's Mom commented on here made even me teary. Really like the post Rhonda.