My life in pictures, stories and open letters.

My life in pictures, stories and open letters.

Please be advised that you are entering my blog.
My blog.
The opinions herein are mine.
I am free to rant and vent to my heart's content.
If you find yourself mentioned here, then you've made quite an impression on me.
Feel free to read on if you would like to know if that impression is good, bad or ugly.
If you choose not to know, I invite you to move your mouse over to the little red X in the top corner of your screen and click.
Regardless of the option you choose, I hope you have a fabulous day!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Shame on me!

Okay, I've been told. I guess some people read my blog after all! lol.
Well, life has been a little boring to tell the truth. On Thursday it was our 10th anniversary, so Leon and I went out for chinese and then to a movie while Mom and Dad watched the kids. We got home and minutes later Livvy is barfing again. It went on and on and on until 6:30 in the morning. Thank goodness I had the day off! Needless to say the night did not end as planned!
I took Liv to the doctor the next day and we started with a urinalysis. That came back clear so now we're doing blood work. Poor little soul, as Dr. Krinke says. If that is also clear then we go to a pediatrician.
On a happy note, Liv seems to be a little spunkier, but still not up to snuff.
We layed pretty low on Friday seeing as I hadn't slept the night before. Saturday night I was up puking all night. I slept on the couch downstairs so I wouldn't keep everyone awake. Once Leon and the girls got up for church I went upstairs to go to sleep. Seeing as I was empty I figured it would be safe. Leon took the girls to church and I slept until 2:00!!!!
It is now Wednesday night. Asia had her science fair tonight. It was very cool! I'm glad I never had to do anything like that! The worst thing I had to do was put a regurgitated mouse back together. (I let Susan do most of that! It pays to have a smart best friend!) Toward the end of the evening, Leon was feeling crappy. We got home and he went straight to bed. Cassie informed me that he was in fact hurling, and she was a little creeped out at having witnessed the event.
Hmmmmm....who is next?
More tomorrow! I promise! Who knew I actually had something to say after all! I'm going to jot down a tip so I remember the other things I wanted to talk about!
Lynne, and Char!
There. That's easier than a string around my finger! lol
I am attaching a picture I took of the roses Leon delivered to my work for our anniversary!

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