My life in pictures, stories and open letters.

My life in pictures, stories and open letters.

Please be advised that you are entering my blog.
My blog.
The opinions herein are mine.
I am free to rant and vent to my heart's content.
If you find yourself mentioned here, then you've made quite an impression on me.
Feel free to read on if you would like to know if that impression is good, bad or ugly.
If you choose not to know, I invite you to move your mouse over to the little red X in the top corner of your screen and click.
Regardless of the option you choose, I hope you have a fabulous day!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Whew, I am busier than I thought ....

Well, I screwed up big time and overscheduled myself! I knew it would happen sometime. Oops. I work 60 hours next week from Sunday to Saturday. I am tired just thinking about it.
For those of you who like to know where I am going to be: (Mom, Lynne, Me)
Sunday Alberta Hospital day shift
Monday Capilano
Tuesday Alberta Hospital day shift
Wednesday Capilano
Thursday Capilano
Friday Capilano
Saturday wedding
Sunday editing and proofbook
Monday Capilano
Tuesday Alberta Hospital evening shift
Wednesday Capilano
Thursday Day off (I think) lol
Friday day off
Saturday wedding

On top of all of this, the flu has decided to visit us again. Asia on Monday night/Tuesday morning. Cassie last night. Hmmm who is next? It, thankfully, seems to be a quick one.

For anyone who doesn't know, I have started scoping out and loving every minute of it. I have caught up with old friends from kindergarten! So if you go on there I am listed as Rhonda Arndt Lemoine. Check it out. I highly recommend it!

Have a fantastic day!